Painting your front door?
Follow these easy steps to become the envy of your neighbours!
You can Frenchic any door surface be it PVC, uPVC, wooden or composite using our Al Fresco Inside/Outside Range and the prep is always the same. There is no need to prime, nor use sealant, but preparation is a must!
Step 1: Make sure your door is really clean with a wash using Frenchic (or similar) sugar soap, rinse well and dry thoroughly.
Step 2: Give your door a light sand using sand paper, just enough to 'key' the surface, so the paint adheres more easily. Remove any dust.
Step 3: The fun part! Paint, without overloading your brush, allowing a minimum of TWO hours between coats. Two coats should do it - it may go to three depending on colour.
Step 4: Be gentle with your door for two - three weeks as the paint works it's magic and cures to a hard as nails finish.
paint when it's raining or there's moisture in the air or rain is forecast and make sure the temperature isn't likely to drop below 10 degrees for the first 48 hours (see instructions on tin).
Using Al Fresco on PVC, uPVC or composite front doors or on any item outside, please remember that, although we may be enjoying sunny spells, the temperature is still dropping below freezing at night. If you're thinking of painting outside furniture or your front door, it is important to bear in mind that you should not use Al Fresco outdoors if, for the ensuing 48 hours, the air temperature is going to fall lower than 10 degrees, there will be moisture in the air or if rain is forecast because these factors can affect the initial curing process. Al Fresco cures to a hard as nails finish but warmer climes are required as per the instructions on the tin. ❤
A 250ml pot will be ample with some left over. And as a reminder, all Frenchic colours are EN:71-3 certified, meaning safe to paint even childrens toys!